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Summary of classes Engineer and Surveyor's Department DB/D/1 Brighton CB: registers of abstracts of accounts, registers of cartage returns, specifications, private drains ledger, register of sewer connections, register of erection of private air raid shelters; 1860-1942 DB/D/2 Brighton CB: registers of building notices; 1861-1961 DB/D/3 Brighton CB: indexes of building regulation plans; 1861-1904 DB/D/4 Brighton CB: registers of buildings fit for occupation; 1900-1925 DB/D/5 Brighton Improvement Commissioners under the Act of 1825: Surveyors' reports; 1836-1853 DB/D/6 Brighton CB: indexes to the Borough Engineer's plan series, consisting of new buildings, alterations, abattoir, aquarium, artisans' dwellings, air raid precautions, baths, beach and groynes, drainage, destructor, drinking fountains, East Brighton estate, electric light stations, electric lighting, streets and cables, lamps, lithographs, Haywards Heath asylum, markets, new streets, ovens, parish maps, petroleum installations, Pavilion estate, Pavilion estate (dome), Pavilion estate (library and museum), parliamentary plans, Preston Park, pavements, Queen's Park, recreation grounds, Rottingdean, numbering, sea frontages, Sanatorium (Borough Hospital), sundry roads, School of Art at Grand Parade, smallholdings and allotments, store yards, sundries, Technical School, telephones, Tenantry Down, Town Hall, urinals, vaults, agreement plans, town improvement plans, new and altered buildings in Patcham and Preston, numerical indexes; 1830-1987 DB/D/7 Brighton CB: building regulation plans for new buildings; 1862-1932 DB/D/8 Brighton CB: building regulation plans for alterations; 1830-1934 DB/D/9 Brighton CB: Engineer's abattoir plans; 1879-1935 DB/D/10 Brighton CB: Engineer's agreement plans; 1900-1914 DB/D/11 Brighton CB: Engineer's air raid precautions plans; 1930 Not received DB/D/12 Brighton CB: Engineer's aquarium plans; 1868-1939 DB/D/13 Brighton CB: Engineer's artisans' dwellings plans; 1878-1939 DB/D/14 Brighton CB: Engineer's baths plans; 1860-1935 DB/D/15 Brighton CB: Engineer's beach and groynes plans; 1827-1935 DB/D/16 Brighton CB: Engineer's destructor plans; 1892-1935 DB/D/17 Brighton CB: Engineer's drainage plans; 1837-1917 DB/D/18 Brighton CB: Engineer's drinking fountain plans; 1859-1916 DB/D/19 Brighton CB: Engineer's East Brighton estate plans; 1913-1955 DB/D/20 Brighton CB: Engineer's electric light stations plans; 1890-1937 DB/D/21 Brighton CB: Engineer's electric lighting, streets and cables plans; 1892-1935 DB/D/22 Brighton CB: Engineer's Haywards Heath Asylum plans; 1912-1937 Not received DB/D/23 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans of lamps; 1834-1937 DB/D/24 Brighton CB: Engineer's lithograph plans; 1816-1893 DB/D/25 Brighton CB: Engineer's market plans; 1828-1935 DB/D/26 Brighton CB: Engineer's new street plans; 1835-1859 DB/D/27 Brighton CB: Engineer's numbering plans; 1881-1966 Not received DB/D/28 Brighton CB: Engineer's ovens plans; 1830-1892 DB/D/29 Brighton CB: Engineer's parish map plans; nd Not received DB/D/30 Brighton CB: Engineer's Parliamentary plans; 1836-1931 DB/D/31 Brighton CB: Engineer's pavement plans; 1833-1957 DB/D/32 Brighton CB: Engineer's Pavilion estate plans (`Mr Goods plans'); 1827-1836 Not received DB/D/33 Brighton CB: Engineer's Pavilion estate plans; 1803-1938 Not received DB/D/34 Brighton CB: Engineer's Pavilion estate (dome) plans; 1851-1933 DB/D/35 Brighton CB: Engineer's Pavilion estate (library and museum) plans; 1864-1930 DB/D/36 Brighton CB: Engineer's petroleum installations plans; ? -1963 DB/D/37 Brighton CB: Engineer's Preston Park plans; 1876-1935 DB/D/38 Brighton CB: Engineer's Queen's Park plans; 1888-1931 DB/D/39 Brighton CB: Engineer's recreation grounds plans; 1889-1952 DB/D/40 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans of Rottingdean; 1924-1937 Not received DB/D/41 Brighton CB: Engineer's Sanatorium (Borough Hospital) plans; 1879-1931 DB/D/42 Brighton BC: Engineer's School of Art (Grand Parade) plans; 1897 DB/D/43 Brighton CB: Engineer's sea frontages plans; 1823-1939 DB/D/44 Brighton CB: Engineer's small holdings and allotments plans; 1909-1933 DB/D/45 Brighton CB: Engineer's store yards plans; 1893-1904 DB/D/46 Brighton CB: Engineer's sundries plans; 1824-1950 DB/D/47 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans of sundry roads; 1837-1895 DB/D/48 Brighton CB: Engineer's Technical School plans; 1893-1904 DB/D/49 Brighton CB: Engineer's telephones plans; 1900-1924 Not received DB/D/50 Brighton CB: Engineer's Tenantry Down plans; 1834-1935 Not received DB/D/51 Brighton CB: Engineer's Town Hall plans; 1829-1922 DB/D/52 Brighton CB: Engineer's town improvements plans; 1824-1939 DB/D/53 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans of urinals; 1847-1938 DB/D/54 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans of vaults; 1827-1921 DB/D/55 Chailey RDC: building regulation plans of new buildings in Stanmer and Falmer; 1934-1952 DB/D/56 Newhaven RDC: building regulation plans of new buildings and alterations in Ovingdean, Rottingdean and Saltdean; 1890-1928 DB/D/57 Steyning East RDC: building regulation plans of new buildings and alterations in Patcham (and Preston); 1895-1928 DB/D/58 Brighton CB: Borough Engineer and Surveyor's accounts; 1874-1937 DB/D/59 Brighton CB: Borough Engineer and Surveyor's correspondence files, consisting of the Town Hall, Volk's Railway, memorials, plaques and statues, Palace Pier, Shoreham Harbour, sewers, Henfield sand pit estate, highways, sea defences, Saltdean, Odeon Cinema, Joint Industrial Council, air raid precautions, Rottingdean, Preston Manor, cinematograph licences, buildings damaged by enemy action, traffic census, aquarium, Stanmer, footpaths, factory sites, housing, Devil's Dyke Golf Club, Festival of Britain, Pavilion, requisitioned land, rights of way survey, Fish Market, helicopter landing station, youth employment, television studio at Patcham, `skydeck' project, enquiries and questionnaires; 1888-1971 Parks and Gardens Department DB/D/60 Brighton CB: gardeners' time books; 1883-1913 DB/D/61 Brighton CB: Preston Park gardeners' time books; 1878-1899 DB/D/62 Brighton CB: general registered files, consisting of allotments, appointment of Parks Superintendent, aquarium, maintenance of gardens in squares, tennis courts, children's playgrounds, relief work, East Brighton estate, Moulsecoomb nursery, Dyke Road Park, Carnden Park, Varndean playing fields, Festival of Britain, Garden competitions, foreshore improvements, Hollingbury Park, Chattri Indian memorial, Moulsecoomb Place, Patcham Place, Preston Park, cycle track, race course, Pavilion, Rottingdean Grange, Saltdean estate, war memorial, Laughton Lodge Hospital, Waterhall Farm; 1923-1966 DB/D/63 Brighton CB: horticultural registered files, consisting of Gardens of Greeting, Festival of Flowers, plant trials; 1958-1983 DB/D/64 Brighton CB: miscellaneous registered files, consisting of public golf courses and allotments, repairs to buildings, smallholdings, annual review of establishment; 1948-1969 DB/D/65 Brighton CB: unregistered files, consisting of cottages and vacancies at Stanmer, Stanmer Park, licences and contracts, Gardens of the North, community hall grants, provision of play schemes, training pack on sexual harassment; 1947-1990 DB/D/66 Brighton CB: Sussex Parks Training Group minutes; 1974-1984 DB/D/67 Brighton CB: horticultural record and report books; 1935-1956 DB/D/68 Brighton CB: printed and published works, including histories of the Parks and Gardens Department and Moulsecoomb Place; 1954-1978 DB/D/69 Brighton CB: plans and drawings; 1919-1968 Engineer and Surveyor's Department DB/D/70 Brighton CB: development plan documents DB/D/71 Brighton CB: annual reports DB/D/72 Brighton CB: Borough Surveyor's by-laws and local legislation; 1863-1935 Parks and Gardens Department DB/D/73 Brighton CB: Head Gardener's report books; 1883-1913 DB/D/74 Brighton CB: Superintendent's report books; 1913-1950 DB/D/75 Brighton CB: Superintendent's Council agenda reference books; 1937-1974 DB/D/76 Brighton CB: Superintendent's reference books to committee minutes; 1931-1976 DB/D/77 Brighton CB: allotment manager's committee reference book; 1938-1952 DB/D/78 Brighton CB: committee references to golf courses; 1945-1958 DB/D/79 Brighton CB: allotments expenditure record books; 1946-1959 DB/D/80 Brighton CB: register of sick leave; 1939-1955 DB/D/81 Brighton CB: photographs; 1927-1955 DB/D/82 Brighton CB: glass lantern slides; 1919-1930s DB/D/83 Brighton CB: prints of the lantern slides, including Coombe Road School, Dyke Road Park, the Pavilion, Western Lawns, aquarium, School of Art garden, the Level, East Brighton estate, Preston Park, Roedale nurseries; 1919-1930s Engineer and Surveyor's Department DB/D/84 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans, chronological first series; 1936-1975 DB/D/85 Brighton CB: Engineer's plans, chronological second series; 1953-1967 Parks and Gardens Department DB/D/86 Burial ground files; 1935-1952 DB/D/87 Plans of Cemeteries; 1949-1951 DB/D/88 Plans of Parks and park buildings; 1932-1939 DB/D/89 Inland Revenue Valuation map, 1912


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